sierra here.
it's saturday morning at 9:30am and i've already
5 bouquets composed of the most amazing peonies & sweet pea florets
11 boutonnieres
2 cups of coffee
delivery to red hook in a brand new lexus hybrid zipcar that can really zip
10 emails
2 proposal revisions
i figured with all of that under my belt i might as well share a bit about an amazing friend of ours for you to enjoy this lovely weekend.

whitney deal. know her? if not, get to know her! she's an amazing lady that has many talents. from photographer to blogger to designer she wears many hats and wears them well!

above are sketches for her portfolio finals. greys and pinks, yes please! best part, i have a dress in the works with her right now. can't wait to show it off!
click here to see more.
signing off to have some much needed weekend down time.